The 10 Tenets of an Effective SASE eBook Cover

The 10 Tenets of an Effective SASE eBook

Design and create a book that informs the top 10 requirements to understand when evaluating a Secure Access Service Edge offering. The colorful cover is designed to grab attention and look harmonious with the company branding.

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Each page grabs attention

As the reader scans each page there is a colorful visual that pairs with the copy to help pull the eye into the body copy.

I also created image mockup of each page so the client can use the images as teaser images for landing page conversions.

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The 10 Tenets of an Effective SASE eBook Spread
eBook Prototype Kit Example

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Get access to my eBook prototype template. You will get access to a google slide presentation that will enable you and your team to draft, pitch, and collect feedback on your eBook ideas.
